This is the wood splitter of the FUTURE

Veronica Hansen I congratulate the inventor of this wonderful sequel to my original "Hansen woodsplitter" that I developed way back in 1970. I have heard all the previous negative comments before, don't listen to them. They don't know what they are talking about, they forget all the lifting involved using a power splitter and swinging an axe is totally stupid except for someone who is a pro at it. Whoever you are this is a great idea I only wish I had thought about that when I finally discontinued mine due to lack of the proper materials. Best wishes and good luck, Carl Hansen
Julie Raye Davies Jacqueline Tyndall 😂
🤣 "it's a safer tool, no need to worry about swinging or missing".... or launching the wedge into the neighbors yard like a missile
🤣 (show dad!!!)
Chevy Guy Thats for cheaters, weaklings, what happened to the good old excercise of splitting wood with an axe, its such a fun, great work out, great stress reliever!! 😎
Tony Marchant What happened was that they are all dead now. They died with bad elbows, torn rotator cuffs, and aching backs. Oh they were in great shape though!
Nicholas Coleman Cool. But my son is still gonna chop wood with an axe like every other man did as a child. Not everything needs to made easier.
Joshua Andrew Sprinkles Hell yeah brother. Throwing out your back, and torn rotator cuffs at a young age is manly as hell.
Robin Changuion Jill Forrest - the axe is dead
Jesse Stevens Looks time efficient
Chad Dismon I've never heard so much negative comments in my life ( this is what's wrong with our country ) if you don't like it keep your mouth shut , if you never used it keep your mouth shut but until you have used this you will really know how it works . If you gotta better way , good keep it to yourself
Harry Suttie Elaine Graham how satisfying does that look?!
Rufus James Beebe A slide hammer is a great way for anyo me with bad shoulder joints to split wood. I used mails, axes and wedges for decades. Can't swing axe anymore w/out extreme pain.
Scotty Temple Most definitely could split faster with an axe. But for someone with a bad back this would be a life saver. Definitely a cool tool
Shaun Conklin Ryan Pitt. This is perfect for u for days your splitter wont start on cold days. Plus u will stay warm running it 😂
Amber Magers Im sorry but even with a log splitter u have to pick logs up move it around carry it and stack it. So its not all lazy. Its just working smarter not harder
Quinton Needens I get a kick out of the ignorant people that don't see the value of a decent tool and would rather be stuck in the rut of "that isn't how we did it". Inventions come about because somebody finds a way that is better on your body. Growing up on the ranch, rodeo in highschool and years in the service have me tore up. I am going to use anything that comes about to keep from messing my body up more than it already is. Don't know about you, but I don't like hurting all day.
Stephanie Sabine I have one, I split wood with it just fine and my body DOESN'T hurt after. It's minimal effort, if your body hurts after VERY minimal effort work you either need to fucking work out more or see a doctor LMFAO.
James Morales This is genius. I remember going logging as a kid with my mom and her husband at the time and some neighbors. The most grueling back breaking work ever. This little invention would have come in real handy back then. Like butter.
Brittany Lewis All the comments about the back. I'm sure it's better than the effects of swinging an axe. Calm down.
Wandaria Newton That will be good for the shoulder muscles and abs. No more gym.
Greg Davis Paul Hobson. Wish I would have had that growing up. That maul and wedge wore me out
Sarah Hunt Daniel at least with this I wouldn’t miss! 🙃
Chelsea Bannister James Bannister imagine the money on axe handles you would save
Genius Invention: This is the wood splitter of the FUTURE.

Innovative manual safe log wood splitter - Slide hammer - Wood splitting : SPLITZ-ALL
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